Monday, June 1, 2020

What is Open Web?

Open web encompasses technical concepts of  open-source code, open standards and democratic concepts like digital rights  and digital inclusion.

In simple open Web is secured and trusted space for all it's users and for  gatekeepers or governments.

The open web is like a  global public resource, like clean water or the environment. We all depend on open web to communicate and create, to work and play, to buy and sell.

Like any other natural resource, it’s fragile and need care and security because it can be polluted with harassment, abuse, misinformation, public policy or poor security.

The open web doesn’t exist in a vacuum apart from society.  It’s a space for information,  communication and interaction for education, business,  politics, culture, science and rights.

An open web provides means for positive progress,  more informed public; more civic participation; more opportunities to learn: higher security .

Closed proprietary technology proliferates, innovation and competition are stifled.

We need open web to enrich our lives,  spark new research and breakthroughs via open data and more broadly open standards.

The technology we use to connect is always evolving from desktops, to smartphones, to voice-activated AI assistants. The future of the open web is more a set of open principles based open technologies.

As the internet leaps to our cars and homes and medical devices, we need to ensure trust and security for upholding these principles.

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