Monday, June 1, 2020

Hstory of IPV6

HiHstory of IPV6

ARPAnet was first decentralized network created by
US Department of Defense (DoD) in seventies
In 1983 TCP/IP protocols introduced. We are still using TCP/IP today in internet.

World Wide Web based on the HTML protocol an graphic interface browser populared the internet. But IPV4 protocol with 32 bits was not enough to support billions on IoT devices to come in homes, office, business, manufacturing etc.

The solution is to use a longer IP address space.
IETF created IPv6 in RFC 1752. (Request for Comment. Today IPv6 coexists with IPv4 in the Internet. Most ISPs and content providers are supporting IPv6.

IPv6 uses

global addressing
host’s address autoconfiguration
every IP device can communicate with every IP device.
End-to-end bidirectional communication
collaborative applications
collecting, storing, sending and accessing information.

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